Hello, everyone!
I am ashamed to admit that I've been very lax about posting new stuff in my blog. I could make up a dozen reasons why that happened, but all I really need to do is remind you of the name of the blog, MY CAT IS INSANE and you'll be reminded that I can't be held to any real standard of behavior.
A lot has happened since my last post. My housemate, Shelby, passed away and I missed her a lot. That was probably the main reason for being inactive. Then to my surprise and great joy, I got a new housemate, brother, and soul mate, Leo. He's of the same species as I am. Feline to the bone.
As you can well imagine, as lonely as I was, and as much as I needed someone to hang around with, I was incensed over having an intruder in my home! I don't recall being asked if I wanted to share my life with another creature, yet there he was and darn it, did he win my heart as soon as I got a whiff of him! He looks a bit like me, beige and white. Well, I USED TO be beige and white when I was living in NY, but that was because the girls I lived with didn't always feed me cat food. I was given real tuna, God did I love those two babes! But once I got my new home with the mom and dad of the babe who cared for me by herself-- I called her "Photo Babe" without her actually ever knowing that, well, I'm getting lost here.
Ok, got my groove back... Once I was brought to my new and permanent home, my color started to change to a rich orange. It was all diet related. I could hear the humans talking about me-- after all, it's always about me since I am quite cool-- and it sounded as if they wanted to change my name. Cinnamon was mentioned, along with Marmalade (are you KIDDING me??), Ginger, and Caramel. Lucky for them I didn't bite them senseless over that misdemeanor. I am clearly male and muy macho, so all those frumpy names just wouldn't cut it with me.
Anyway, one day, little Leo arrived at my house. They locked him into a room all by himself to "acclimate" him - whatever that means- but we two dudes with our special cat lingo, were communicating through the door and worked out an agreement. I wouldn't crush him with my meaty butt if he would promise not to scratch me in the eye. And so the door was opened. I fell in love with my little bro at first glance. Did he ever smell good! We chased each other around the house; he could hide in places where I couldn't even squeeze my head through-- and of course, he'd jump out to attack me.
I'm sorry to say neither of us kept our word. I did pin him down with my substantially large body, but it was only to lick his face and clean him up a bit, and he did scratch me in the eye, sending me to the doctor in the torture chamber carrier. But that's in the past and now we are cuddle mates. I love him and having a brother is the best, although I feel as if I'm his dad, since he looks up to me in a big way. He's the best of everything life has to offer: brother, baby, buddy, and partner.
More on Leo later, along with some pics.
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